Exploring Pre-Service Elementary Educator Anxiety for Facilitating Science Teaching Contexts Integrating 3D Modeling


  • Stuart White Purdue University
  • Timothy Newby




Integrated STEM, Science Education, 3D Modeling, Anxiety, Cross-Curricular Learning


Much of the research within K-12 STEM teacher education and integrated STEM instructional design (ID) involves illuminating how STEM subjects can be integrated to bridge gaps between methodological and pedagogical practices. ID involving the engineering design process within K-12 classrooms generally guides students through prototyping mechanical devices using everyday objects and/or 3D printing. One universal engineering process involved in STEM educational curriculum is modeling using computer aided design (CAD) software such as Tinkercad (a popular software in K-12 settings). This study focuses on the application of 3D modeling as a learning activity within an undergraduate biology course designed to prepare pre-service teachers to facilitate life science learning activities in their future classrooms. A mix methods approach was taken to explain the impact of Tinkercad modeling on anxiety for facilitating integrated STEM activities as well as pre-service teacher self-efficacy, confidence in, and competency for teaching integrated STEM. Analysis of student responses to survey questions, field notes, and informal interviews suggest that utilization of modeling software divorced of 3D printing, though conducive to reducing integrated STEM facilitation anxiety, has a limited effect on improving pre-service teacher self-efficacy, confidence in, and competency regarding leading integrated STEM learning activities targeted towards engaging learners in science exploration. However, participant comments on 3D modeling software usability, application within K-12 science learning environments, and perceived K-6 classroom strengths provide important commentary on likelihood of STEM resources such as Tinkercad being adopted into future classrooms.


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How to Cite

White, S., & Newby, T. (2024). Exploring Pre-Service Elementary Educator Anxiety for Facilitating Science Teaching Contexts Integrating 3D Modeling. Journal of Research in STEM Education, 10(1-2), 19–46. https://doi.org/10.51355/j-stem.2024.163




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